Mapidea Trial
Geography, ready to use.
Create a free trial account to experience the power of Mapidea for 15 days.
If you never used a Geographic tool before, don’t worry: A Geographer will make sure you get the most out of the experience.
What’s included:
20 minutes onboarding call with a Geographer
Access to a private application environment
1GB cloud space
Add your own data in several formats (ESRI shapefile, MapInfo tab, GeoJSON, Microsoft Excel, CSV, Google Earth)
Fill out the form and you will receive an email from us with the next steps.
Mapidea takes data protection seriously. Please read our privacy policy for information on how we handle your data and what your rights are.
Trusted by leading companies worldwide
"Our business is mostly geographical, and Mapidea gives us the Location Analytics capabilities we need to be more competitive in a simple and effective way."
— Javier Pastor, IT Director Domino’s Pizza
“Excellent tool!
User friendly and flexible between different GIS formats and non-GIS data makes Mapidea a useful software for any business.”
— Louise Kavanagh, GIS expert Apogee
“Mapidea allows us to finally see and manage our business using maps, easily crossing layers of data like sales, visits and demography to create better insights and optimize sales. It’s a game changer!”
— Carlos Patarrana, Head of BI & SFE Mundipharma